The purpose of this report is to derive EQS for the substance emamectin benzoate for sediment and for water (protective of pelagic organisms).
This method statement describes how to determine the WFD class for the lake fish biological element.
UKTAG has sought views and comments on the scientific work that underpins the latest set of proposals for biological and environmental standards. The standards are designed for use in taking decisions under the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and Groundwater Daughter Directive (2006/118/EC) (GDD) require Member States to prevent inputs of hazardous substances into groundwater subject to various exemptions. The documents below set out the list of standards that can be used to assess inputs of hazardous substances into groundwater.
Please note that this guidance is for information only; it should not to be used in the classification of ecological status until information is available on which of the species listed are considered ‘high impact'.
Groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems (GWDTE) are wetlands which critically depend on groundwater flows and /or chemistries.
The Final Recommendations on Environmental Standards following phase 3 of the review have been published (November 2013). This report includes zinc standards.
Following a consultation that ended on 28th February 2013, UKTAG has finalised its recommendations on 1) biological standards for rivers, lakes, coastal and estuaries and 2) phosphorus standards for rivers.
The UK Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG) has commissioned a programme of work to derive Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for substances falling under Annex VIII of the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
This report presents a proposal for a set of revised phosphorus standards for protecting High and Good status under the Water Framework Directive.